
Global Media and Information Literacy Week (24th-31st October): Free events – book now!

Global Media and Information Literacy Week 2022

Theme: “Nurturing trust: A Media and Information Literacy Imperative“

Global Media and Information Literacy Week, commemorated annually, is a major occasion for stakeholders to review and celebrate the progress achieved towards UNESCO’s Media and Information Literacy for All. The main theme of this year’s week (24-31 October) is “Nurturing trust: A Media and Information Literacy Imperative“. #GlobalMILWeek2022

The CILIP Information Literacy Group are delighted to draw your attention to the following (free) webinars taking place throughout the week (24th-31st October):

Information Literacy in School Librarians’ Education and in their Instructional Work

The webinar is organised by the joint team of two IFLA Sections – Information Literacy (IL) and School Libraries (SL) – and is delivered online within the programmes of celebrations and initiatives for the Global Media and Information Literacy Week 2022, promoted by UNESCO, and the International School Library Month 2022, promoted by the International Association of School Librarianship (IASL).

The webinar explores the school librarians’ education and training on MIL and their instructional role as MIL experts and educators, who can enable pupils and students to become lifelong learners, critical thinkers, creative persons, aware and active citizens.

Webinar Date: Monday October 24, 2022, 2pm UK time

Registration: Free admittance, prior online registration via Zoom by October 23, 2022.

The importance of digital, media and information literacy for all

How do you make decisions in your daily life and in your professional life when deciding who and what to trust? Are you worried about the increasing amount of fake news and misinformation circulating online? If you teach others, how do you  support your students to critically analyse and evaluate the content they find online, whether it’s for their studies or for their private lives? If these are questions that concern you, then read on and come along to our lunchtime webinar exploring this topic.

On 27 October, as part of the events being organised around the world for UNESCO’s Global Media and Information Literacy week, come along to a webinar being hosted by Dr Jane Secker and Dr Luis Pereira of City University of London, Learning Enhancement and Development. They will be joined by colleagues in Digital Education and the Library. In this webinar we will discuss the need for digital, media and information literacy for staff and for students as well as explaining more about what these different terms mean. It will also be a chance to see the draft Digital and Information Literacy framework that colleagues in Professional Services have been working on over the past few months.

Webinar Date: Thursday October 27th 2022, 1pm UK time

Registration: please do sign up to join us for this exciting event which is being run as part of the LEaD Light Lunch Series (link to MTeams). External guests are also welcome to attend by contacting Jane.Secker@city.ac.uk to reserve a place.

Global Media and Information Literacy Week: New Voices in Information Literacy

An online webinar introducing five early researchers from Masters and PhD study in the UK. This event celebrates the breadth of research in information literacy in the UK, from school librarians in Kuwait to the use of Wikipedia in higher education, Instagram, and infographics, to emotion in information literacy in research and climate change and misinformation. The speakers are students in UK at University of Sheffield, Manchester Metropolitan University and UCL and will be speaking about their dissertation and thesis work. All are welcome to this online event, which takes place on Zoom.

Speakers are: Reham Alhuraiti (University College London UCL) – Information Literacy Perspectives and practices of Kuwait’s Government Intermediate School Librarians; Delphine Doucet (University of Sheffield) – Authority of historical knowledge: Wikipedia and Higher education; Alex Hewitt (University College London UCL) – What Role Can Affect And Emotion Play In Academic And Research Information Literacy Practices?; Lawrence Brannon (Manchester Metropolitan University) – climate change literacy and misinformation; Ella Burrows (University College London UCL) – Sharing in the echo chamber: Examining Instagram users’ engagement with infographics through the frame of digital literacy.

Webinar Date: Thursday October 27th 2022, 4pm UK time

Registration: It is free to attend, you just need to register via eventbrite. We hope you will be able to join us!

Find out more about Global Media and Information Literacy Week

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