Free workshop on “Developing a Blended Learning Skills Programme”

The CILIP Information Literacy Group is sponsoring a one-day event in London on developing a blended learning skills programme, and it’s free for IL Group members!

Following an excellent event in Manchester, the Developing a Blended Learning Skills Programme workshop is being repeated at CILIP in London. The event will be run by Jennie Blake and Jade Kelsall from the University of Manchester Library, home of the award-winning My Learning Essentials programme launched in September 2013.

Workshop: Developing a Blended Learning Skills Programme
Venue: CILIP, 7 Ridgmount Street, London WC1E 7AE
Date: Thursday, 26th March, 09:30-16:00

Workshop overview

In the morning, participants will explore the overall design and development of the My Learning Essentials programme, a flexible, coherent and complementary suite of face-to-face and online support opportunities.

The afternoon will focus on the development of workshops and online resources. Participants will come away with the beginnings of a workshop plan and an online resource storyboard, as well as having a structured process they can use to transform successful face-to-face sessions into interactive online resources.

The focus throughout the day will be on providing participants with tools, techniques and processes that they can use within their own institutions, whether they want to develop a one-off workshop, create some online resources or launch an entire new skills programme!

Important booking information

This event is free for CILIP Information Literacy Group members.
Further information about IL Group membership.
Tickets for non-members costs £25.

Please use the online booking form to sign up for this event.

If you have any additional queries about booking, please contact the Training Officer, Catherine McManamon:

Please note that cancellations less than a week in advance, or non-attendance on the day, may affect your ability to book onto future free events from the IL Group.

About My Learning Essentials

My Learning Essentials is a flexible blended learning programme deliberately designed to allow students access at the point of need, with support available via a suite of interactive online learning resources and in face-to-face workshops and skills clinics.

Development of the programme is student-driven; all workshops are based on an identified student need, and new topics for online resources are identified from the most popular workshop sessions. These topics are then transformed into pedagogically sound online learning experiences that complement the workshops, rather than replicate them.

This innovative model enables the programme to respond flexibly to student demand, ensuring that the resources created are those that students will find most useful.

My Learning Essentials won the 2014 Blackboard Catalyst Award for Innovative Blended Learning.

CILIP Professional Knowledge and Skills Base

This event targets the following areas of the PKSB:

8. Literacies and Learning
8.1 Information Literacy
8.3 Digital Literacy
8.5 Frameworks and Curricula for education and training
8.6 Teaching and training skills
8.7 Supporting Users

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