
Free LibTeachMeet at University of Wolverhampton – Thursday, 10th July 2014

The CILIP Information Literacy Group is sponsoring a free LibTeachMeet event that is being organised by Learning and Information Services at the University of Wolverhampton on Thursday, 10th July 2014. The theme is information literacy skills and the new student. The event will focus on innovative information literacy and skills practice in relation to new students, explore how best to […]

Free LibTeachMeet at University of Wolverhampton – Thursday, 10th July 2014 Read More »

Free LibTeachMeet at King’s College London Library – Thursday, 12th June 2014

The Health Information Specialist team of King’s College London Library will be hosting a free London Library TeachMeet event on Thursday, 12th June 2014. The theme of the event is: Enhancing the student experience through interactivity and engagement. The organisers are looking for willing presenters who would like to share aspects of their teaching practice with the LibTeachMeet attendees.  Presentations

Free LibTeachMeet at King’s College London Library – Thursday, 12th June 2014 Read More »

Free LibTeachMeet at Aberystwyth University – Wednesday, 4th June 2014

The CILIP Information Literacy Group is sponsoring a free LibTeachMeet event that is being hosted at Aberystwyth University on Wednesday, 4th June 2014. A Library TeachMeet is an informal get-together for librarians to share ideas and experiences of teaching. Everyone will have the chance to give short, five minute presentation on what they’ve been doing, or are hoping to

Free LibTeachMeet at Aberystwyth University – Wednesday, 4th June 2014 Read More »

Manchester Metropolitan University Library TeachMeet – 22/01/14

The organisers of this CILIP IL Group-sponsored event have kindly provided the following report: Wednesday 22nd January was the inaugural CILIP ILG sponsored Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) LibTeachMeet. This saw a sold out gathering of 50 folks from around the country stuffing biscuits and snaffling the many freebies (kindly provided by numerous library suppliers) together

Manchester Metropolitan University Library TeachMeet – 22/01/14 Read More »

“From the road less travelled to the information super highway: information literacy in the 21st Century” – 31/01/14

Sarah Wolfenden, Subject Liaison Librarian at  Brunel University, has kindly provided a report on the free one-day conference held at the British Library Conference Centre on 31st January 2014. On 31st January, I made my way to the British Library to attend the free conference, From the road less travelled to the information super highway:

“From the road less travelled to the information super highway: information literacy in the 21st Century” – 31/01/14 Read More »

CILIPS East Branch Information Literacy Event – 30/01/14

Julie Sutherland, Chair of CILIP in Scotland East Branch, has written the following blog post about last month’s CILIPS Information Literacy event, held on 30th January 2014 at the National Library of Scotland in Edinburgh. These are her reflections on the event. Information Literacy: Part One: 30th January 2014 I was greatly inspired by this afternoon’s session

CILIPS East Branch Information Literacy Event – 30/01/14 Read More »

Funding available for Information Literacy training events

The CILIP Information Literacy Group is committed to supporting information literacy developments and events within all sectors of library and information science. Many sectors may not be able to access funding in a timely way to facilitate the provision of relevant IL training events required within their region. The IL Group welcomes applications for sponsorship

Funding available for Information Literacy training events Read More »

Library TeachMeet wiki launched

A Library TeachMeet wiki has been launched as a place to advertise forthcoming events, gather together resources from those events and share tips on running TeachMeets. Links and materials for many recent TeachMeets have already been added to the wiki, including information literacy-related content. Details of forthcoming TeachMeets at Sheffield Hallam University on Monday, 3rd March

Library TeachMeet wiki launched Read More »

How to be a critical but constructive friend: reviewing and refereeing for journal articles and conference papers

For library and faculty staff from LIS and cognate areas who are interested in becoming reviewers for JIL and LILAC. The course, facilitated by Susie Andretta, aims to explore the role of the reviewer in ascertaining the quality of a paper and to demonstrate the critical appraisal practices that a reviewer should employ to fulfil

How to be a critical but constructive friend: reviewing and refereeing for journal articles and conference papers Read More »