Meet the committee

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Meet the ILG Committee: Anne-Lise Harding, Government representative and Deputy Chair

What is your role on the committee? I am the Government representative, providing liaison for ILG and GIG. I have also recently stepped up to fill the position of Deputy Chair for the Information Literacy Group until March 2022. When did you join and why? I joined the committee in December 2015, as FE Representative. […]

Meet the ILG Committee: Anne-Lise Harding, Government representative and Deputy Chair Read More »

Coffee Meeting

ILG Sub-Committee for New Professionals – introducing David Smith

Continuing with our series welcoming the new members of the ILG Sub-Committee for New Professionals, we’d like to introduce David Smith. The purpose of this group is to bring together new library professionals and contribute towards the work of the Information Literacy Group. What is your role in the committee? I am a new member

ILG Sub-Committee for New Professionals – introducing David Smith Read More »

ILG Sub-Committee for New Professionals – Introducing Antonis Sideras

Continuing with our series welcoming the new members of the ILG Sub-Committee for New Professionals, we’d like to introduce Antonis Sideras. The purpose of this group is to bring together new library professionals and contribute towards the work of the Information Literacy Group. What is your role in the committee? I a new member of

ILG Sub-Committee for New Professionals – Introducing Antonis Sideras Read More »

ILG Sub-Committee for New Professionals – Introducing Frances Marsh

Continuing with our series welcoming the new members of the ILG Sub-Committee for New Professionals, we’d like to introduce Frances Marsh. The purpose of this group is to bring together new library professionals and contribute towards the work of the Information Literacy Group. What is your role in the committee? I am one of the

ILG Sub-Committee for New Professionals – Introducing Frances Marsh Read More »

Head shot of Katie Wise

ILG Sub-Committee for New Professionals – Introducing Katie Wise

We will be introducing the new members of the ILG Sub-Committee for New Professionals over a series of posts. The purpose of this group is to bring together new library professionals and contribute towards the work of the Information Literacy Group. First up is Katie Wise… What is your role on the committee? I am

ILG Sub-Committee for New Professionals – Introducing Katie Wise Read More »