

The covid effect: how has the pandemic affected student behaviour? – Laura Woods

Now we are past the midpoint of the autumn term, and the initial rush of inductions and information literacy introductory classes that make up most of an academic librarian’s life at this time of year are starting to subside, it’s got me in a reflective mood. Due to some medical issues I was still working […]

The covid effect: how has the pandemic affected student behaviour? – Laura Woods Read More »


WHO calls for multi-sector partnerships to tackle misinformation in non-communicable disease – Sophie Randall

How do we tackle the scourge of health misinformation in non-communicable disease? Through novel partnerships between nation states, the social and digital media industries and civil society, according to a new WHO toolkit on tackling misinformation in non-communicable disease. Google’s own figures show there were more than a billion health related searches a day by

WHO calls for multi-sector partnerships to tackle misinformation in non-communicable disease – Sophie Randall Read More »

New issue of the Journal of Information Literacy!

The latest issue of the Journal of Information Literacy, the international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal of the CILIP Information Literacy Group, is now available. The full contents of volume 16, issue 1 are listed below, with direct links to the articles: Editorial A difference that matters: Disability activism, scholarship and community Alison Hicks Research articles (peer-reviewed articles)

New issue of the Journal of Information Literacy! Read More »

Call for Papers: Special Issue on Information Literacy and COVID-19 – Reminder

This is just a reminder about the call for papers for the special issue of the Journal of Information Literacy about IL and Covid-19. The full announcement is below and can also be found at Call for Papers: Special Issue on Information Literacy and COVID-19 | Journal of Information Literacy We’d really love to hear about any

Call for Papers: Special Issue on Information Literacy and COVID-19 – Reminder Read More »

Call for Papers: Special Issue on Information Literacy and COVID-19

Re-posted from the Journal of Information Literacy. Original post was dated 28 March 2021. It has now been over a year since the world first started dealing with the immense challenges of the COVID-19 global pandemic. During this time, information literacy has helped communities to deal with disruption to everyday, workplace, health, and education contexts,

Call for Papers: Special Issue on Information Literacy and COVID-19 Read More »


Resources for tackling vaccine misinformation

In this blog post, Pip Divall, Clinical Librarian Service Manager at University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust and CILIP Information Literacy Group’s Health Sector rep, gathers together useful resources for tackling Covid-19 vaccine misinformation during the global pandemic.   The rollout of the Covid-19 vaccines has been rapid during the first few months of 2021,

Resources for tackling vaccine misinformation Read More »


Students and academic reading during the pandemic

This post has been written by the Information Literacy Group’s Chair, Jane Secker. Many of us have struggled to read academic books and longer pieces of writing during the pandemic. But how are students currently studying for at university fairing when it comes to academic reading? Academic texts, perhaps never the most accessible at the

Students and academic reading during the pandemic Read More »

Coffee Meeting

Everyday information literacy research and researcher wellbeing

This post has been written for us by Alison Hicks, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Information Literacy. [Warning- focuses on questions of grief and bereavement linked to COVID] Everyday life forms an important topic within information literacy research. The CILIP definition positions everyday life as one of the key contexts in which information literacy plays

Everyday information literacy research and researcher wellbeing Read More »

Palace of Westminster

What is your understanding of Information Literacy and do you think it helps when reviewing evidence during the pandemic?

Jacqueline Geekie, the Public Libraries Representative on the CILIP Information Literacy Group, recently asked question (by proxy) about information literacy and the pandemic in Parliament. I was recently invited to attend an Evidence Week Event by Sense about Science who brought together members of the public to ask questions of their MP in a virtual

What is your understanding of Information Literacy and do you think it helps when reviewing evidence during the pandemic? Read More »

Health literacy

CILIP calls for public programme of support for information literacy due to Covid-19

CILIP has released a statement on Covid-19. This statement emphasises the importance of information literacy in combatting disinformation on Covid-19 and helping people make informed choices during this difficult time. There is a call to create a national public programme to support this: “We urge the Government to work with CILIP to bring forward a

CILIP calls for public programme of support for information literacy due to Covid-19 Read More »