CILIP IL group

Library TeachMeet – Manchester Metropolitan University – Wednesday, 22nd January, 2014

Manchester Metropolitan University Library is holding a Library TeachMeet on Wednesday 22nd January 2014. It is free and they hope it will provide a great learning, sharing and networking opportunity for library staff from across the region (people from elsewhere are, of course, very welcome!). Further details and booking information are available at  

Library TeachMeet – Manchester Metropolitan University – Wednesday, 22nd January, 2014 Read More »

Staffordshire University Library Teachmeet – 20/11/13

Eleanor Johnston, Academic Skills Librarian at Staffordshire University, has written the following post about last month’s Teachmeet, which was sponsored by the CILIP Information Literacy Group. On 20th November 2013, Staffordshire University hosted a Library Teachmeet in the Thompson Library, Stoke-on-Trent. Teachmeets are an opportunity for staff to share innovations, experience and knowledge and there

Staffordshire University Library Teachmeet – 20/11/13 Read More »

LILAC 2014: Bookings now open!

Bookings for the Librarians’ Information Literacy Annual Conference 2014 (LILAC) are now open. LILAC is organised by the CILIP Information Literacy Group and aimed at librarians and information professionals who teach information literacy skills, are interested in digital literacies and want to improve the information seeking and evaluation skills of all library users, whoever they

LILAC 2014: Bookings now open! Read More »

IL Group Committee is recruiting for another Training Officer!

The CILIP Information Literacy Group Committee is looking to recruit a Training Officer, to work alongside our current Training Officer. If you would like to be considered for the role,  which is in a voluntary capacity, please write a brief personal statement (no more than 500 words) indicating your ability to undertake the activities listed in the

IL Group Committee is recruiting for another Training Officer! Read More »

CLIC Summer TeachMeet – 11/07/13

CLIC, Cardiff Libraries in Co-operation, held a summer ‘Teachmeet’ at Cardiff University on 11th July. It was held in the rather grand wood-panelled Glamorgan Building Committee Rooms. There were over 50 attendees from government, school, public libraries and HE and FE libraries which brought together a great mix of experience for discussion and networking. The

CLIC Summer TeachMeet – 11/07/13 Read More »

CILIP CSG Information Literacy group is seeking new sector reps

The CILIP CSG Information Literacy group is actively seeking enthusiastic information literacy champions from the following library sectors to join the group: Commercial / Specialist Further Education Health   The role entails promoting information literacy and the group to colleagues in their sector, as well as keeping the group up-to-date with issues in the specific

CILIP CSG Information Literacy group is seeking new sector reps Read More »