Independent Government Review recommends information literacy training for teachers

The Independent Review of Digital Classroom teaching, which reported to the Welsh Government Minister for Education and Skills on 29 March, recommends that teachers in Wales are supported to develop their information literacy and other digital capabilities, and that it must be included in intial teacher training.  The report Find it, make it, use it, […]

Independent Government Review recommends information literacy training for teachers Read More »

CILIP CSG Information Literacy group is seeking new sector reps

The CILIP CSG Information Literacy group is actively seeking enthusiastic information literacy champions from the following library sectors to join the group: Commercial / Specialist Further Education Health   The role entails promoting information literacy and the group to colleagues in their sector, as well as keeping the group up-to-date with issues in the specific

CILIP CSG Information Literacy group is seeking new sector reps Read More »

Media and Information Literacy for Knowledge Societies: 24 – 28 June 2012, Moscow

Conference Objectives To raise public awareness of the significance, scale and topicality of the tasks of media and information literacy promotion among information, media and education professionals, government executives and public at large To outline policies and professional strategies for the promotion of media and information literacy and to identify key problem areas To contribute

Media and Information Literacy for Knowledge Societies: 24 – 28 June 2012, Moscow Read More »

Institutional Policies and Procedures for Managing Student Plagiarism – Thursday 14 June 2012

ASKe (Assessment Standards Knowledge exchange) is delighted to announce its Sixth Plagiarism event will be held in conjunction with the Higher Education Academy (HEA). This one day event will explore current issues and strategies for managing student plagiarism in higher education. It will focus on developing institutional approaches, policies and practice. There will be opportunities

Institutional Policies and Procedures for Managing Student Plagiarism – Thursday 14 June 2012 Read More »

RDF Information Literacy Lens consultation – feedback by 13 April 2012

The Vitae Researcher Development Framework provides an overarching framework to support researchers in identifying the wide range of knowledge, behaviours and attributes of excellent researchers. Lenses on the Vitae Researcher Development have been developed to focus on the knowledge, behaviours and attributes that are developed by researchers and that can be acquired through or used

RDF Information Literacy Lens consultation – feedback by 13 April 2012 Read More »

Public libraries pilot scheme to connect visitors to digital information

Public libraries are helping those who feel digitally excluded online. In November 2010 the Society of Chief Librarians (SCL) signed up to the government’s Race Online 2012 campaign which aims aims to help everyone in the UK access and use the Internet.  As part of this a pilot is being run to train Library staff

Public libraries pilot scheme to connect visitors to digital information Read More »

IFLA: The Road to Information Literacy: Librarians as facilitators of learning – bookings now open

The Road to Information Literacy: Librarians as facilitators of learning Dates: 8-10 August 2012 Location: Tampere, Finland IFLA-satellite registration is now open: Sponsor: IFLA Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning Section and IFLA Information Literacy Section Contacts: Susan Schnuer, ; Leena Toivonen,

IFLA: The Road to Information Literacy: Librarians as facilitators of learning – bookings now open Read More »