

ACRL white paper on global perspectives on information literacy

The Student Learning & Information Literacy (SLILC) committee of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) has today published a white paper on global perspectives on information literacy. The white paper contains chapters written by practitioners and researchers from around the globe on their insights and practice. View more details, and download the free […]

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An opportunity for public libraries to demonstrate their role in digital inclusion

With thanks to Sharon Wagg from the Tinder Foundation for this post. Libraries have a key role to play in digital inclusion, and can help us reach the furthest first. To do so, however, digital inclusion needs to move up agendas, out of dark corners, into the 21st Century, and most importantly – into the

An opportunity for public libraries to demonstrate their role in digital inclusion Read More »

Focus on FE: What is FELTAG?

Anne-Lise Harding, CILIP IL Group’s Further Education (FE) representative, writes below on the evolution of the FELTAG agenda.  The FELTAG Report and its resulting actions provide a national strategic impetus for developing FE students’ digital literacy and exploring online and blended delivery methods –  key priorities for IL colleagues in the FE sector. FELTAG stands for Further Education Learning Technology

Focus on FE: What is FELTAG? Read More »

CILIP IL Group Annual Report 2015-16

The CILIP Information Literacy Group has published its annual report for 2015-16, which highlights the huge range of activities carried out by the group over the last twelve months. Dr Jane Secker, CILIP IL Group Chair, introduces the report: It has been another exciting and busy year. We are particularly proud of our achievements in fostering partnerships with

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Determining the value of Information Literacy

Stéphane Goldstein of InformAll provides an overview of the investigations and outcomes of the Determining the value of Information Literacy (DeVIL) project, which was funded by a CILIP Information Literacy Group research bursary. In an information-saturated, digital world, what are the benefits of employing people who are competent and confident in the way that they

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Make or Break: The UK’s Digital Future: Some thoughts from ILG and InformALL

The House of Lords Digital Skills Committee published its report “Make or Break: The UK’s Digital Future” in February.  On behalf of members, CILIP submitted evidence to the Committee last September. The CILIP Information Literacy Group (ILG) and InformALL have been taking a look at its recommendations and have found that, whilst it makes an important contribution

Make or Break: The UK’s Digital Future: Some thoughts from ILG and InformALL Read More »

How does the Sieghart Report relate to public librarians’ role in IL?

Jacqueline Geekie, the CILIP Information Literacy Group’s Public Library Representative, offers her thoughts on the recent Sieghart panel independent report on public libraries. I have been reflecting on the Sieghart Report and how this fits in with my roles as Information Literacy and Learning Librarian for Aberdeenshire Libraries and as the Public Library Representative on

How does the Sieghart Report relate to public librarians’ role in IL? Read More »